5 ----------- 9 ---------- 12 DELUSIONAL! Trump says USA is A NATION IN DECLINE. For one thing, the USA is spending WAY TOO MUCH ON ITS MILITARY when there is NO THREAT OF WAR, but NOT ENOUGH on infrastructure. THIS HUMPTY DUMPTY is going to have A VERY "BIG" FALL. (Ha! Ha!) Biden says the USA has THE BEST ECONOMY in the world: Toronto has 250+ TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES thanks to China while all the USA - only a few years back - had a mere 49. AND, JUST HOW MANY BULLET TRAINS does the USA have? ZERO! ALL Chinese trains are just that: BULLET TRAINS. WHY is that, you ask? BECAUSE China is RICH + the USA is POOR! Biden says the USA is "indispensible" to the world. Really? The whole idea about BRICS is a world without the U.S.A. Is Biden THE ONLY "DELUSIONAL" PRESIDENT the USA ever had? NO. :D Any HOPE - for the USA? NO. Go figure! Ken, Toronto, CANADA