What do you think is the greatest threat to the U.S. dollar .... ? 738 ----- 753 ----- 793 ------- 817 ------ 872 ------- 983 ------ 1,015 ------ 1,026 THE GREATEST THREAT to the U.S. DOLLAR ... the 1st + foremost: THE DEMAND of U.'S. T (treasury) bills is NOT THERE (THE DEMANDS OF THE HUGE U.S. ECONOMY REQUIRE A LOT, A LOT OF MONEY to keep it afloat). The U.S. Gov't is SHORT MORE + MORE MONEY as MORE + MORE BUSINESSES CLOSES + MORE + MORE PEOPLE LOSE their jobs.This has become ESPECIALLY OBVIOUS in THE FAST FOOD + RETAIL SECTORS, BUT ALSO IN THE HIGH-TECH SECTOR - as well. the 2nd threat is THE LACK OF SIGNIFICANT FOREIGN INVESTMENT the USA used to get NOTABLY, from China + RICH Muslim countries. the 3rd is LESS American PURCHASING POWER as college students begin to pay $400 monthly on their student loans the 4th threat (only in the very short-term as prices have been falling due to deflation) is inflation especially in the grocery stores + at the pumps which raises the cost of living which in turn REDUCES American DISCRETIONARY SPENDING (the amount of coal that goes into the steam engine of the economy) the 5th threat will be when MALL LEASES NOT BE RENEWED EFFECTIVELY KILLING REGIONAL U.S. BANKS in 2024 just in time for the U.S. 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ;D the 6th threat, THE FEDERAL RESERVE INTEREST RATES are "high" NOT to fight inflation BUT to keep the U.S. DOLLAR from FALLING TOO FAST TOO SOON. (Google: U.S. dollar index) BASICALLY, THE GREATEST THREAT IS THE STATUS QUO given THE PENDING NEGATIVE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS MENTIONED ABOVE. THIS REQUIRES DRASTIC, REMEDIAL ACTION like cutting the size of Gov't by 75% + getting rid of the military as China + Russia can take out the USA within within hours as they have "undetectable) low-flying supersonic missiles wtih a globaly reach that can hit the USA.They only have to take out the 10 major U.S. cities that have economic growth to kill the USA. Currently, AS THINGS ARE, WE ARE LOOKING AT A U.S. DOLLAR not worth more than 3 cents Canadian - IF NO REMEDIAL ACTION IS TAKEN. LETTING THINGS SLIDE in the USA is THE ROAD TO ECONOMIC HELL. Ken, Toronto, CANADA