---------->THIS was DELETED FAST! (Ha! Ha!) So much for FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in the USA - eh. (Ha! Ha!) ---------->LATER, the video was NO LONGER AVAILABLE. 1,582 Having worked on Parliament Hill in Ottawa for 9 years (By the way I got the Union on Parliament Hill single-handedly in June 1984 and sill lost my job, only to be asked by the Union to do my Union Steward course which I did in March 1985 though I was unemployed.) I came across a case of Gov't corruption discovered by a couple of idealistic Senate employees and the answer to that from Prime Minister Trudeau's Office was this: "HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU WANT?" Then, there's THE WELL PUBLISIZED CASE OF Prime Minister Mulroney's dealings with a German business man while STILL IN OFFICE. THE IRONY of Prime Minister Mulroney was that he did try "initially" to turn things around to now avail: BUT HE DID TRY before he threw in the towel. (Ha! Ha!) As an aside, we had CANADA'S MOST SQUEAKY CLEAN PRIME MINISTER who only lasted for a few months before Mulroney came along: Joe Clark. This guy was 100% honest: he did NOT believe IN POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS for HIS PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY FAITHFUL. Mulroney REPLACED Joe Clark by letting everybody know that he did + HE DELIVERED BIG TIME! It's ABOUT THE MONEY, Joe. Along with THE BRIBES + KICKBACKS that "GREASE" THE GOV'T MACHINERY. THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: people get into politics FOR PERSONAL GAIN. They "KNOWINGLY" FACILITATE GOV'T FRAUD + get richly rewarded for doing so IN ALL SORTS OF WAYS. FOR EXAMPLE, the Gov't of Canada had A VERY NICE HOTEL in Paris to reward "compliant" policians along with A SECRET RESTAURANT by Parliament Hill. :D And THE POLITICAL JUNKETS are many including getting GOV'T CONTRACTS once NO LONGER IN POLITICS. The OVERRIDING QUESTION which POLITICAL JOURNALISTS refuse to ask themselves is this: IS THE GOV'T FINANCIALLY TRANSPARENT? ANSWER: NOT ONE BIT. THIS LEADS TO THE FOLLOWING 2 AFFIRMATION: 1. THE GOV'T IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. 2. GOV'T WITH NO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY ARE FASCIST POLICE STATES. THE MOST FAMOUS FASCIST LINE GIVEN BY A POLITICAL LEADER WAS WAS THIS ONE: "Ask NOT what your Country can do for you. ASK what you can do for your Country." John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961JFK Ken, Toronto, CANADA