5,705 ------ 5,614 ---- 5,735 ------- 5,641 The are TWO BASIC ASSUMPTIONS at play: 1. the USA is A DEMOCRACY 2. the often, much touted "RULE OF LAW" by NATO COUNTRIES USA is A DEMOCRACY, WHAT? The U.S. Gov't wants its way in all things THAT'S THE REASON for ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY which means ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY and NOW, $886 BILLION MILITARY BUDGET on AN OUTDATED MILITARY as it has NO GLOBAL SUPER NUCLEAR MISSILES, but China + Russia (who repeatedly say their miliary are for defensive purposes ONLY) do! Re: THE RULE OF LAW, there is NO SUCH THING. A purely British invention to legitimize the British Gov't. IF THERE WERE SUCH A THING, THE PRISON POPULATION WOULD 100% BE A REFLECTION OF THE SOCIETAL MAKEUP - racially as well as socially + economically. IT DOES *NOT*. The difference between Canada + the USA is that in Canada we doN'T even both to go after the rich + influential. THE BEST EXAMPLE is that of Conrad Black: he was prosecuted in by the U.S. judicial system. WHY? Because THERE IS A VEIN OF IDEALISM that runs through U.S. society that is BEING RESURRECTED with these prosecutions of Gov't officials lead by their dictatorial leader, President Trump (Mussolini #2, Ha! Ha!) who demanded BLIND LOYALTY FROM HIS FOLLOWERS like we do from soldiers. (Yours is NOT TO REASON WHY, yours is BUT TO DO AND DIE!) Ken, Toronto, Canada