US Q3 GDP Hits 4.9% - Is The Economy Booming? 158 ----------------------------- 202 IF EVERYTHING IS GOOD, that means the Gov't does NOT have to take any REMEDIAL ACTION. :D IF EVERYTHING IS GOOD, that "means" THE STATUS QUOI is fine; ALL IS WELL thanks to the Gov't, of course. (Ha! Ha!) MEANWHILE, the USA is FACED WITH TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE by the end of 2024 with THE FALL OF THE U.S. DOLLAR, the most historical event, THE COLLAPSE OF THE STOCK MARKET along with the various kinds of BITCOINS as they go THE WAY OF THE STOCK MARKET. RIGHT NOW + for the NEXT 30 - 50 years the U.S. STOCK MARKET in particular is faced with a NEGATIVE MARKET TREND due to the huge debts that need to be paid, money that will NOT create THE BADLY NEEDED JOBS. This "means" business closures, lost jobs, lost revenue for the various level of U.S. Gov't. THE ONES THAT WILL BE HURT THE MOST ARE GOING TO BE THE AMERICANS for the U.S. Gov't NOT telling HOW BAD THINGS WERE so it would NOT HAVE TAKE REMEDIAL ACTION LIKE CUTTING THE SIZE OF THE GOV'T BY 75% + GETTING RID OF MILITARY THAT IS NOW OUT OF DATE burdened with OLD MACHINERY + NEW MACINERY ONLY SEEN IN ISRAEL that IS USELESS againt China's + Russia's SUPERSONIC MISSILES with GLOBAL REACH. Ken, Toronto, CANADA