6 --------- 431 To suggest that the U.S. Gov't shutdown is about POLITICAL DYSFUNCTION + NUMBERS is U.S. GOV'T NONSENSE. It's "more correctly" U.S. Gov't PUBLIC RELATIONS SPIN because the Gov't is AFRAID TO ANNOUNCE it's BROKE! Well, it "is" BROKE + NO ONE in the Gov't KNOWS by HOW MUCH! Already, THE U.S. PACIFIC FLEET seems to be RUNNING OUT OF GAS. China's NAVY "shows its face" around Taiwan just to see if THE U.S. PACIFIC FLEET has ENOUGH GAS to show up: apparently NOT, as they did NOT SHOW UP. :D THE CHINESE, I'm sure, WERE LAUGHING THEIR HEADS OFF! (Ha! Ha!) NO GAS. NO MONEY. BROKE! BROKE! BROKE! It's has been speculated AN OPTIMISTIC SCENARIO would be if THE U.S. GOV'T SHUTDOWN lasts 4 MONTHS! (Last time, it lasted 5 weeks: around the World, EVERYONE, including President Putin, WILL BE COUNTING THE DAYS. Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA