129 ------------ 141 -------- 151 --------- 226 This is a NSF (non-sufficient funds) U.S. Gov't story. The U.S. politicians in Congress response is: IT'S NO BIG DEAL "implying" AMERICAINS NEED NOT WORRY. HOW SERIOUS IS IT - really? NO ONE KNOWS. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE between President Biden + President Putin is THIS: - President Putin has THE LATEST INFORMATION on EVERYTHING THAT GOES ON in Russia at all times; - President Biden does NOT KNOW what's really going on in the USA because his advisers who brief him doN'T + there's THE RUB. Neither do those in Congress. THE POINT BEING, Congress has LOST CONTOL OF THE GOV'T. Consequently, the U.S Gov't has "always" been FLYING BLIND - in the clouds at all times. (Ha! Ha!) Does the U.S. Gov't have ENOUGH FUNDS for THE NEXT 6 WEEK? NO! WHY? The U.S. Gov't has been spreading its spending TOO THINLY. Where is THE BADLY NEEDED INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING? NO WHERE TO BE SEEN. WHY? NO MONEY FOR THAT because the U.S. Gov't is SHORT FUNDS. THE MONEY IS NOT THERE: THAT'S THE STORY in all this. The U.S. Gov't does NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to meet ALL OF ITS FIXED COSTS + THAT IS WHY THIS IS A U.S. GOV'T NSF (NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS) STORY. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA