1,646comments 240 K views @bradleypaulus2926 2 days ago In the beginning, they should have put in the Constitution that all senators and representatives could never serve longer than two terms. @kenlark6082 @sugadre123 it caused parties to pre-select candidates way before the public was even aware of who would represent their party which essentially eliminated the primary process. Because of the shorter duration in office, the candidate became pre-selected without voter consideration well before the seat was even open. Candidates were also pre-selected for their committees and party offices before they had even shown their propensity to be biased towards business and industry (with pre-approval by special interests/lobbyists, of course) ==================================> This comment was DELETED! ==================================> AMERICANS don't like to hear they're NOT A DEMOCRACY. :D ==================================> With EVERYTHING IN THE USA + ABROAD TIED INTO THEIR INTELLIGENCE APPARATUS, ==================================> they're A FASCIST, BIG BROTHER POLICE STATE. They just doN'T want to hear that. THE TRUTH HURTS! (Ha! Ha!) @kenselin @kenlark6082 THAT's how things are done in Canada: yep! It's RIGGED! :D DEMOCRACY AT WORK. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA