Do you think there is more to the Hunter Biden story than what the Mainstream Media is reporting? 305 ------- 718 The WHOLE Hunter Biden story has everything to do with THE UKRAINE: HAD THE AMERICAN NOT TAKEN OVER THE UKRAINE in 2014, there'd be NO STORY. He does NOT APPEAR to be a bright boy: it seems he was following HIS DAD'S INSTRUCTIONS on HOW TO SQUEEZE THAT LEMON until there's NO JUICE. (Ha! Ha!) BOTH, father + son, are looking at JAIL TIME. :D THE FEELING AMONG AMERICANS THAT THE TIME HAS COME TO END CORRUPTION IN THE GOV'T IS NOT LATER, but NOW! NO MORE TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK ONLY TO BE SLAPPED IN THE FACE BY THE CROOKS. (HA! HA!) Ken, Toronto, Canada