=====================================>THIS COMMENT WAS DELETED. =====================================>Touchy, touchy Americans: THEY DON'T LIKE TO HEAR =====================================>HOW BAD THINGS ACTUALLY ARE PREFERING =====================================>TO LIVE IN ALICE AND WONDERLAND. =====================================>STUCK IN THE RABBIT HOLE. (Ha! Ha!) =====================================>THE USA, soon to be A POOR, "BEGGAR" COUNTRY. =====================================>VERY CHEAP TO VISIT. though. 116K views 723 comments "Fed is powerless to stop what's coming. Biggest Crisis since 2008 is underway." You're RIGHT - THERE! The "dramatic" depreciation in real estate continues across the board in its DOWNWARD SPIRAL. The never ending job losses - many due NOT ONLY TO DOWNSIZING, but ALSO due to bissness closures. ALL THIS MEANS A LOT LESS MONEY FOR THE U.S. GOV'T. QUESTION: can the U.S. Gov't continue to keep its doors OPEN? ANSWER: NOT FOR LONG and NOT pass March. IT'S ESSENTIAL "until" the U.S. Gov't announces it's BROKE, BROKE, SO BROKE, that the U.S. DOLLAR STAYS STRONG. For THAT REASON, there will be INTEREST RATE INCEASES - AT LEAST ONE MORE - before Humpty Dumpty falls the wall. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA