==============================> THIS COMMENT WAS DELETED! 32K views 327 comments I notice A LITTLE CANADA BASHING "under the hood" so to speak which we see on YouTube to make AMERICANS feel good - by I suspect by U.S. Gov't agents. WHAT AMERICANS DON'T UNDERSTAND re: their relationship with Canada is the U.S. Gov't does NOT want AMERICANS to think NOR talk about Canada EXCEPT IN THE WORST OF TERMS. :D In fact, South Park TV series + movie were ANTI-CANADA: this sentiment was reflected in its song "Blame Canada" from its 1999 animated film. Incidentally, THE FIRST THING A U.S. PRESIDENT "had to do" was PUT DOWN CANADA: President Kennedy did it. This is ENOUGH OF THE BACKROUND STORY to give you "a taste of - unpleasant - things" from A CANADIAN PERSPECTIVE. RE: this ANTI-CANADIAN THEME (encouraged by the U.S. Gov't) that CANADA IS FALLING APART ... TRUE? NOT TRUE? LET'S LOOK AT THE # OF TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES. The USA - ALL THE USA - a few years back had ONLY 49: the City of Toronto has 250+ NOW + for years to come. STRONG CHINESE INVESTMENT IN CANADA WILL MAKE CANADA THE MOST PROSPEROUS NATON WITH THE STRONGEST CURRENCY all thanks to China. CANADA'S FUTURE IS "EXTREMELY" BRIGHT. The USA faced with A COLLAPSING ECONOMY + A COLLAPSING $ HAS NO FUTURE - whatsoever BECAUSE it's NOT A FRIEND OF CHINA. Just SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT. (Ha! Ha!) By the way, the Chinese have ONE NATIONAL HERO THAT EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT WHO IS NOT CHINESE: Dr. Norman Bethune, a University of Toronto Grad. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA