65,430 ------------------------------------------------ 154K 366 comments -------------------------------------- 739 THE POINT MADE and it's a very valid + important one is the U.S. due to LESS TAX INFLOW relies on the selling of TREASURY INSTRUMENTS that allows it to run A HUGE BUDGET + SPEND LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR. THAT'S essentially THE PROBLEM. But as he suggests, as long as the U.S. dollar is STRONG the U.S. Gov't has room to maneuver: AND THERE LIES THE CRUX OF THE MATTER as the U.S. DOLLAR is SET TO FALL. The HIGH U.S. INTEREST has kept it from falling making the U.S. DEBT PROBLEM UNTENABLE. However, THE "PIVOTAL" MATTER is the U.S. Gov't can NO LONGER KEEP ITS DOORS OPEN pass January 2024 without cuts. WITH NO CUTS in spending, the U.S.Gov't will face A TOTAL COLLAPSE by June 2024 causing perhaps a reduction in the value of the U.S. dollar as high as 97 % depending on HOW FAST it falls. Ken, Toronto, CANADA