17 ------- 67 ------- 68 President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's ball + chain is THE MILITARY that's THE MAIN OBSTACLE TO SOLVING THE KURD QUESTION by allowing Kurds to have DUAL CITIZENSHIP: Turkish + Kurdish (in a Kurdishstan with NO MILITARY). The tax of the Kurds could be split evenly between the two. THE MILITARY has "always" been hobbling Turkey's future. It's A QUESTION OF GOV'T SPENDING PRIORITIES. Can Türkiye AFFORD to have "BOTH" A HUGE MILITARY + MACRO-ECONOMIC PROJECTS that will pay dividends down the road? To try to DO BOTH means spreading THE GOV'T MONEY too THINLY putting DOWNWARD PRESSURE on the currency + THE MAIN CONTRIBUTOR - in my view - to Turkish inflation. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is "undeniably" A WORLD-CLASS LEADER + AN IMPORTANT ACTOR in the newly-formed Organization of Turkic States (OTS) founded on October 3rd 2009 that "upgrades" the Turkish language + the country, itself, Türkiye. His visit to the Gulf states makes FOR AN ECONOMICALLY STRONGER, MORE PROSPEROUS MUSLIM WORLD: I wish him THE VERY BEST. İYİ ŞANLAR! :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA