This is NOT SURPRISING given that Toronto is run by the CIA. In fact, TORONTO CITY HALL is STUFFED WITH CIA. They give themselves THE BEST MUNICIPAL JOBS. Toronto, THE MOST "PROSPEROUS" CITY with 250+ TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES, says its budget is SHORT $800,000,000 + had to INCREASE PROPERTY TAX to 5.5%. WHAT!!? DISGUSTINGLY, the CIA is "THE" MAJOR PROPERTY OWNER in downtown Toronto. The CIA run the shelter system + Toronto Housing for ITS BENEFIT. In fact, Toronto's 198O's PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM was designed SOLELY for the CIA: the City of Toronto has "MANY", beautiful buildings (Like the white faced one on the corner of St. Clair + Yonge; then there's 15 Maitland.) that house ONLY the CIA where the occupants pay $400 MONTHLY RENT - subsidized by the Toronto taxpayer. Then, there's - the CIA newspaper: THE TORONTO STAR; - CIA university: the Metropolitan University of Toronto (the former Ryerson University); - the 3 Scarborough Hospitals owned+ operated by the CIA including one in the westend; - ALL Toronto colleges + universities owned + operated by the American Hells Angels charging foreign students - MOST of them FROM INDIA - $17,000 tuition fees. So, WHO are they? They are MULTI-ETHNIC, but the bosses are AFRICAN-AMERICAN who claim to be from Jamaica or Trinidad Tobego. WHO are they - PROFESSIONALLY? First + foremost, MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, doctors, nurses, librarians, bums on the street, university|college professors, preachers who created their own mega churches in Toronto, Catholic priests like at Saint Peters on near the corner of Bloor + Bathurst. In fact, the Catholic pastor assigned by the Cardinal to the Metropolitain University of Toronto is CIA. Then, there are the CIA plumbers, CIA carpenters, CIA electricians, ... BECAUSE of all the property they own. - former mayor of Toronto, John Tory is a CIA agent along with Doug Holiday, former deputy mayor + so many of the people RUNNING THE CITY OF TORONTO "AT THE TOP". - former BLACK Toronto Police Chief, Mark Saunders, - ALSO - a CIA agent who claims to be from Britain. (Ha! Ha!) - many members of Toronto City Council who got there THANKS TO CIA-fixed MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS like the one that elected Premier Ford who is privatizing health care at the behest of HIS AMERICAN HANDLERS. :D THE "EXTENSIVE" REACH OF THE CIA =============================== The CIA (with the American Hells Angels) run about 25 cities including the colleges + universities in those cities + hospitals - if they can. The CIA has been running the Canada Pension Fund out of Moncton, New Brunswick, now, FOR DECADES skimming funds from the Canadian Taxpayer like they do in all the cities they run "including" the Ontario provincial plan, OMERS, resulting in pension holders only getting HALF, HALF of what they should be getting. AND TO TOP ALL THIS OFF, the U.S. Gov't has been running the Conservative Party of Canada since the CIA Dalton Camp days. Interestingly, EVERYBODY AROUND Ontario's Premier Bill Davis either were CIA agents or had direct connections to the CIA. He hired John Tory at the age of 26: this would mean that John Tory was THE SOLE INDIVIDUAL who was NOT CIA, NOR had connections to the CIA. THAT'S *NOT* POSSIBLE. THE EXTENSIVE INFLUENCE OF THE CIA HAS RESULTED IN ALL GOV'T CONTRACTS AT ALL LEVELS OF GOV'T GOING TO AMERICAN COMPANIES OR CANADIAN COMPANIES OWNED BY AMERICANS as the USA tries to do AS MUCH ECONOMIC HARM TO CANADA AS POSSIBL. I'm, THEREFORE, calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to enact The Emergencies Act in order to "clean up" THIS MESS to SAVE CANADA. Incidentally, it's THE POLITICAL POLICY of my political party, the Égalité Party of Canada [theÉ(eh)PC], is to send EVERYONE WHO CAME FROM the USA back including those with dualcitizenship. Ken, Toronto, CANADA