1,535 @julieanadaikalaraj7817 This guy, in my view, is A GOV'T PAID TROUBLEMAKER, trying to undermine the Tamil language in favour of the Hindu pet language, Sanskrit, which is "probably" a derivative of Tamil. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA @vidyamadamanchi7091 Where do you get this notion from me about disrespecting languages? (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA @keshav15363 Sai is standing by WHAT FACTS? (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA @vijayphoneix2115 Sai is an intectual? Then, what are his CREDENTIALS? Ken, Toronto, CANADA @keshav15363 WHAT are "THE FACTS"? :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA @aquasky77 HERE'S THE ANSWER that settles THE QUESTION regarding whether Tamil or Sanskrit is THE OLDER in the form of a question: WHICH SCRIPT do you find on THE OLDEST MONUMENTS? Is it Sanskrit or is it Tamil? As of now, I "strongly" believe it would be Tamil. TO ADD TO THAT, the Dravidians were PUSHED TOWARDS THE SOUTH OF INDIA: they were in India FIRST + are THE "TRUE" INDIANS WITH THE OLDEST CULTURE IN THE WORLD. This suggests those of the Sanskrit language came "later" FROM THE NORTH. This would imply that Tamil is OLDER than Sanskrit. Sanskrit has gotten A LOT OF ATTENTION when all along TAMIL WAS MORE DESERVING. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA When it came to suggesting what was THE OLDEST LANGUAGE, the "default" response was Sanskrit: this gave credence to the belief that Hinduism was THE OLDEST RELIGION. The Hindu-run Gov't of India likes to promote Sanskrit as THE OLDEST LANGUAGE. HOWEVER, linguistic research is now suggesting it may be Tamil. I'm PROUD TO SAY, we have A HUGE TAMIL-speaking community in Toronto. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA SO FUNNY! (HA! HA!) He seems to be a rabid Hindu nationalist who works for the Hindu-run Gov't of India. It seems like SLEEK HINDU PROPAGANDA to me. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA If THE OLDEST MONUMENTS have Tamil on them, then, WE HAVE THE NECESSARY PROOF to "affirm" Tamil is THE OLDEST LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD. Linguistic research seems to be pointing in that direction. For example, THE BASQUE LANGUAGE of NORTH- WESTERN SPAIN + SOUTH-WESTERN FRANCE, a linguistic puzzle for SO long, seems to be derived from Tamil. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA @spiceraja2172 THE discussion was NEVER ABOUT WHICH IS BETTER. The ANSWER is to be found on THE OLDEST MONUMENTS: which script is found there? Is it Sanskrit or is it Tamil? Probably Tamil. :D I suspect you're "really" NOT INTERESTED in the answer, are you? You JUST WANT TO "VENT", right? (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA @spiceraja2172 You realize, I hope, that you are speaking as A HINDU NATIONALIST. (Ha! Ha!) I've spoken with Indian intelligence agents who share YOUR TONE + POINT OF VIEW: any little criticism of India is TABOO. (Verboten: German for "forbidden") Such a reaction limits FREE SPEECH. To suggest that India is ABOVE CRITICISM is foolish. Let' NOT be foolish NOR condescending. Your Canadian friend. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA