267K views 4,625 comments @killerskull It was an "uncontested" given historically that Sanskrit was the mother of all languages. But when compared to Tamil, THE STORY CHANGES. THE QUESTION BECOMES THE STATUTES WITH THE OLDER TRANSCRIPTION WILL GIVE US THE "CORRECT" ANSWER. I strongly suspect THE MOTHER OF ALL LANGUAGES is, in fact, Tamil. The fact that it is "still" spoken by SUCH A LARGE # OF PEOPLE TODAY is A LINGUISTIC MIRACLE. It certainly merits INTENSIVE LINGUISTIC STUDY - for sure! ON THE FACE OF IT, Tamil is THE OLDEST OF ALL DRAVIDIAN LANGUAGES. THE DRAVIDIANS were PUSHED SOUTH. They are THE REAL INDIANS. SANSKRIT is a Northern Indian language that came "after". I am TODAY QUITE CONFIDENT that A COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC STUDY OF BOTH would show that SANSKRIT came MUCH LATER "after" Tamil AND would confirm THAT THE OLDEST CIVILIZATION OF MANKIND IS THE THAT OF THE TAMIL'S :D For the sake of comparison, let's take the word for "father": in Chinese + Arabic + Farsi (Persian) + Sanskrit + Hind + ... : baba ===>NOTE: the Chinese Mandarin word for father "baba" is NOT mentioned, But in Tamil word for father is "appa": it predates the word "baba" for father. Ken, Toronto, CANADA