64K views -------------------------------------------------------------------- 128K 455 comments ------------------------------------------------------------- 857 The Asian nations say the way of preventing LOSS OF ASIAN LIVES in Asia is by PUTTING THE RIGHT PROTOCOLS IN PLACE: WHAT?!! MEANWHILE, there has been a "continuous" + "consistent" BUILT-UP as THE AMERICANS SWITCHED THEIR THEATRE OF WAR to the Asian Pacific as they prepare for war, there, that they have been planning for since the 1960s. THE "PIVOTAL" MOMENT FOR PEACE IN ASIA was THE MOMENT IT BECAME CLEAR TO THE WORLD THAT THE AMERICANS LIED RIGHT TO THE FACE OF THE GREAT LEADER OF NORTH KOREA, Kim Jong Un, that they were going TO LIFT THE SANCTIONS when there was NO MORE MILITARY THREAT which THE LEADER OF NORTH KOREA did do by almost eliminating its ENTIRE NUCLEAR WARFARE APPA- RATUS "prior to" President Trump's visit: furthermore, THE GREAT LEADER OF NORTH KOREA, Kim Jong Un, even had President Trump meet with THE NORTH KOREAN TOP MILITARY BRASS. Clearly, THE AMERICANS ARE "HORSING AROUND" ALL ASIAN NATIONS while getting MORE + MORE READY FOR WAR in the Asian Pacific using its ASIAN ALLIES to achieve its goal of REDUCING THE ASIAN POPULATION - as - much as possible. HOW SMART is that, eh? KEEPING THE AMERICANS in the Asian Pacific MEANS ONLY ONE THING: WAR! ALL ASIAN NATIONS "need" to go out of its way to BE FRIENDS WITH NORTH KOREA in A SHOW OF ASIAN SOLIDARITY, + ASIAN PRIDE! WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CHINA + VIETNAM, ASIAN NATIONS have ALL been participating in THE U.S. CAMPAIGN of making North Korea FEEL INADEQUATE in the eyes of the world while "actvely" isolating of NORTH KOREA: THIS IS effective ANTI- ASIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. REMEMBER President Trump telling North Korea the U.S. missiles are BIGGER THAN THEIRS. INTERESTINGLY, the "subtext" was in reference to the size of "the Aisan male member" involved in procreation: A DISPLAY OF NASTY U.S. HUMOUR, no? This "degrading" EMOTIONAL BLACK MAIL OF A WELL- LEAD ASIAN NATION, North Korea, BY ASIANS "must" STOP! IT'S SO DISGRACEFUL not to mention COUNTER PRO- DUCTIVE. AND, it makes the Asian countries that participate in it LOOK ABSOLUTELY SILLY! :D THE TWO KEY ONES that come to mind are South Korea + Japan: now, THE PHILIPINES are being "roped in' by the USA - as well! (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA