446 ----- 776 ----- 869 OBAMA IS A (hardened, old school, from the upper class) CIA AGENT THROUGH + THROUGH: his walk gives him away. ALSO HIS MEANINGLESS DRIBBLE - "typical" of CIA agents who speak in lies: AMERICANS when listening to him would ask WHAT HE'S SAYING? What's his point? I don't know. He's NOT speaking French, is he? (Ha! Ha!) CONFUSION + CHAOS are THE FRIENDS OF THE "diabolical" U.S. GOV'T: the CIA are THE SPECIALISTS IN BOTH. IT'S IMPORTANT TO NOTE: the USA is trying to come at President Putin - IN EVERY WHICH WAY. For example, the USA claims that Russia is ON THE VERGE OF FALLING APART when it's the USA that is FALLING APART. :D HERE'S A CLASSIC U.S. GOV'T anti-Russian CLAIM: THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE will SOON turn on President Putin as the Russians do NOT support the war in Ukraine when President Putin clearly has THE UNQUESTIONED, FULL SUPPORT of BOTH the Russian Parliament, the DUMA + ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT the blessing of the Russian Orthodx Church which is THE POWER BEHIND THE THRONE. :D By meeting with President Putin, OBAMA (who DOUBLED THE U.S. DEBT), is JUST DOING HIS DIRTY CIA WORK which he's "PROGRAMMED" TO TO DO. (You canNOT be a CIA agent + NOT be brainwashed + each agent has HIS/HER HANDLER which act as the agent's SUPER EGO who's HIS/HER GOD.) THE U.S. GOV'T USES SOCIAL ENGINEERING via the media like TV programs + BRAIN WASHING in order TO HAVE ITS WAY. Colleges in the USA are CLOSING + the U.S. Gov't COULDN'T CARE LESS because as long as THE AMERICANS ARE CONFUSED (The U.S. Gov't having AMERICANS believe in aliens that will attack planet earth goes a long way in KEEPING THE AMERICANS CONFUSED when there is NOT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE that aliens do exist.) SMART AMERICANS are THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE U.S. GOV'T because it's RUN BY CROOKS. :D WHO ARE THE SMART AMERICANS? Let's NAME SOME .... ! By U.S. GOV'T DESIGN, NONE! (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA