1,580 ------- 1,656 FOR THE GREATEST IMPACT, THE RUSSIANS need to prolong this war into NEXT SPRING. This will BREAK NATO'S WARMONGERING BACK + PREVENT WORLD WAR 3 + PRESERVE China. MOVING BACK is A SMART STRATEGIC MOVE on the Russian's part. WHAT WE HAVE BEEN CLEARLY SEEING is WHO has THE SUPERIOR FIRE POWER: THE RUSSIANS. To talk of a Ukrainian offensive is A LOT OF NATO PROPAGANDA NONSENSE. THE AMERICANS were counting ON A WEAK RUSSIAN ECONOMY to win the war + end President Putin who is turning out to be historically RUSSIA'S GREATEST LEADER ever! AMAZINGLY AWSOME! HE has set RUSSIA on the course of UNMITIGATED PROSPERITY. HE'S ALWAYS MAKING DEALS that strengthen Russia economically which has benefited China + SO MANY OTHER COUNTRIES as well. HE'S A TRUE LEADERS capable of making THE TOUGH DECISIONS. Ken, Toronto, CANADA