89K views 366 comments MAJOR POINT: THE USA IS A POOR, BANKRUPT NATION. It does NOT have one bullet trains. It's INFRASTRUCE is in need of repair. Its schools due to a lack of maintenance + financial upkeep are in ruins in many states. Gangsters have moved into the education + healthcare sector. The President does NOT know what is going on in his own backyard BECAUSE his advisors have NO IDEA EITHER! A BUNCH OF CLOWNS. (Ha! Ha!) Businesses are closing at an incredible rate resulting in MORE JOBLESSNESS + LESS REVENUE for the Gov't, BUT YET the Gov't says: "LOOK AT THOSE FANTASTIC JOB NUMBERS." All this to say, the U.S. Gov't is operating IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE. :D In other words, the U.S. Gov't has effectively LOST ITS GRASP OF REALITY. BRICS came about largely thanks to Russia - in particular - but also China: BOTH RECOGNIZING THAT YOU CANNOT DEPEND ON THE USA and SO THEY HAVE TO ORGANIZE THEMSELVE TO "WORK AROUND" THE USA. That's THE REASON FOR BRICS and NOT THE DETRONING OF THE U.S. DOLLAR which had lead to THE CREATION OF OTHER RESERVE CURRENCIES. The U.S. dollar is ON THE DECLINE: see U.S. Dollar Index. The U.S. Gov't will NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to keep its doors open after November 17th. THE PREDICTION is that its doors will stay closed FOR AT LEAST FOUR (4) MONTHS: that's THE "OPTIMISTIC" SCENARIO. (Ha! Ha!) The U.S. Gov't is raising the interest rate its offering on its T-bills, but WHO'S BUYING? THE SITUATION IS DIRE FOR THE U.S. GOV'T - INDEED! It will KILL THE U.S. DOLLAR contributing to the empoverishment of THE RICH IN THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES creating THE MOST DAMAGING HISTORICAL EVENT - ever! BRICS has THE SALUTARY EFFECT of acting as A BUFFER against the ECONOMIC TAILWINDS caused by THE FALL OF THE U.S. DOLLAR leading to THE RISE OF THE DOMINANCE OF BRICS making NATO COUNTRIES + ALLIES IRRELEVANT due to their LOSS OF ECONOMIC CLOUT. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA