==============================>The comment was DELETED by "AMERICAN" news channel: CNBC-TV18. :D 4,731 views 29 comments EXPECT the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) to take GREATER GLOBAL IMPORTANCE as Russia [in conjunction with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)] lead by Russia becomes THE DOMINANT WORLD ECONOMY next to money-rich CHINA. Russia + China are TWINS. (Ha! Ha!) China will "continue" to act as A WORLD DEVELOPMENT BANK + will "continue to jointly finance infrastructure projects around the world, but especially through its NEW SILK ROAD (which descends through former Yugoslavia, Greece +Africa right into Soutth East Asia.) As the South East Asian nations shine up to China because they're, after all Asian, THE REST of the world (Latin America and Africa) will shine up to RUSSIA. HOWEVER, taking on A LONG-TERM (STRATEGIC) VIEW of the global economy, THE FUTURE - essentially - belongs to only one nation (though it is now the 5th world economy): RUSSIA! RUSSIA will be "THE" SOMEBODY while the USA will be A NOBODY after the collapse of the U.S. $. :D Admittedly, Japan + South Korea like "to play footie" with the USA because their Rich have U.S. dollars + because their Rich like to BOAST about sending their children to study in the USA. Will they FEEL "BETRAYED" ONCE THE U.S. $ COLLAPSES - SOON? (Ha! Ha!) Disappointment will set in - to be sure. FOR ONE THING, they will be "POORER"! HOWEVER; there will be NO DISAPPOINTMENT with those nations aligned with RUSSIA like Bolivia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba. TO BE SAFE, run with THE BEST: RUSSIA. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA