88,647 views ------------------------------------ 395K -------------------------------- 456K 1,986 comments ------------------------------- 4,377 ------------------------------- 4,764 Being A TRUE BLUE DEMOCRAT + President Clinton's RIGHT-HAND MAN, he, James Carville, of course, does NOT want Trump to win. BUT win Trump will ... - BECAUSE the U.S. Gov't will soon have NO MONEY; - BECAUSE of A RECORD NUMBER of business closures + the resulting job losses mean A LOT LESS revenue for the U.S. Gov't; - BECAUSE of the collapse of the U.S. banking system due to HUGH - UNSALEABLE - INVENTORIES of cars + homes - BECAUSE MALL LEASES of malls owned by regional banks NOT being renewed; - BECAUSE banks + investors are NOT BUYNG as many T-bills; - BECAUSE the USA is getting A LOT LESS foreign investment. Ken, Toronto, CANADA