218 - 275 - 319 -- 303 Does Poilievre have A PLAN? No. What will be THE SPECIFICS of his plan? Will there be a plan? (Ha! Ha!) THE CANADIAN POLITICAL REALITY IS THIS: Canada is "a law and order society" run by the Freemasons like every other Commonwealth country where the priority when it comes to Gov't spending is ALWAYS THE SAME: the Police, the Judiciary, the Prisons - now run by Americans "for profit". The Gov't has ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY with all Gov't contracts going to Americans because they are the specialists when it comes to bribes and kickbacks. THE AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS run Toronto and some 25 cities: just look at who are getting the municipal Gov't contracts? Oh, SORRY, You can't. TOO BAD. (Ha! Ha!) THE AMERICANS run Alberta with their oilmen and the Mormon Church. THE AMERICANS get our oil and gas FOR FREE because ALL THE FREE MONEY the Gov't gives them for exploration pur- poses CANCELS OUT the royalties they pay. (Bush gave his 1st speech outside of the USA in Calgary.) THE AMERICANS have been running THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY by remote control since Bill Davis and Dalton Camp (who claimed to be from New Brunswick: another American) days in Ontario. (Bill Davis' wife was American.) SO, WE HAVE A GOV'T RUN BY CROOKS FOR THE CROOKS. THE MOST the Rich pay on income tax is 2.5% - 3.5% (OUR CROOKED GOV'T is subsidizing the Rich) 14% of Canadians are POOR and they go hungry every month. (The food banks help only for a few days + half the stuff is CRAP!) Is this FAIR, GOOD GOV'T? Here's THE KICKER: OVER 50% OF YOUR TAXPAYERS DOL- LARS ARE GOING TO A 100% CROOKED GOV'T: you are wor- king for A CROOKED GOV'T that benefits (NOT YOU or NO, NOT YOU) but the CROOKS. All this NONSENSE comes to an end with my political party, the Égalité Party of Canada. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA