25 HOW SIGNIFICANT? VERY! THE POLICY THRUST of the so-called Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance BECAUSE it's driven by the USA is to KEEP CHINA OUT! DOING THAT ENSURES the country who abides by SUCH A STUPID POLICY will be POOR. :D Unlike Australia, which has been PARTICLULARLY HOSTILE towards Chine, New Zealand has embraced THE FRIENDSHIP PATH - A MUCH MORE PRODUCTIVE APPROACH. I had THE PLEASURE in April 2007 in Vancouver of speaking with a person whom I considered to be NEW ZEALAND TOP INTELLIGENCE AGENT - well- informed + well-travellled: he left me with A VERY FAVOURABLE IMPRESSION along with A TASTE OF NEW ZEALAND. (Ha! Ha!) THE PROBLEM WITH THE OTHER members of THIS BOGUS INTELLIGENCE ALLIANCE is that they rely on the USA to do their thinking for them: THAT JUST SPELLS DISASTER! China can TRUST NEW ZEALAND, NOT the rest of THE FIVE BOZOS. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA