103 Neoliberalism was A SCAM from the get go! BEHIND IT were BRIBES + KICKBACKS for the CROOKED BUREAUCRAT + CROOKED POLITICIANS involved in the selling of PUBLIC ASSETS to the PRIVATE SECTOR. ITALY's ECONOMY is SUPER STRONG exactly because of GOV'T PARTICIPATION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR due to the ever-present, strong SOCIALIST FORCES in Italy. One of the terms used to define this is ECONOMIC NATIONALISM, THE EXACT OPPOSITE of neoliberalism. CONSEQUENTLY, Italy is now, ECONOMICALLY, THE STRONGEST NATION of the EU replacing Germany. And, UNLIKE MOST EU COUNTRIES. it has NOT COME under U.S. CONTOL: you don't see Giorgia Meloni running to Washington, like Scholz, for a doggie biscut + a pat on the head from Oldman Biden, do you? (Ha! Ha!) NO! She goes to Beijing. :D BECAUSE she's SMART. Scholz ... well ... let's say ... NOT SO ... . (Ha! Ha!) (BECAUSE OF HIM, Germany is in a RECESSION.) ITALIA sta andando "avanti" - con bio. :D I miei complimenti. Ken, Toronto, CANADA