This is JUST A LOT OF MINDLESS DRIBBLE: if there was NO NATO, there would be NO MILITARY CONFLICT in the Ukraine. NATO lead by THE AMERICANS (NATO is AN EXTENSION OF U.S. IMPRIALISM.) killed Ghadaffy (WHEN IT WAS NOT AT ALL NECESSARY.) within three (3) weeks, BUT continued to bomb Libya for seven (7) months. Germany FULLY PARTICIPATED in that nonsense that GAVE NATO taxpayers A BLACK EYE. When did Germany oppose ALL THOSE ILLEGAL U.S. WARS OVER THE DECADES that were unnecessary, extremely costly, unjustified + unprovoked? NOT ONCE. But yet, it had decades to do so. Where was Germany? ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL. Germany's focus was on German unity which became a reality in November, 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, THE EMBLEM of the Cold War. Then, Germany's focus shifted to European unity aided by the Polish Pope. The EURO went up + up in value. Now, NATO is undoing all that + undoing all NATO countries who are seeing their currency going DOWN HILL reducing the purchasing power of their taxpayers while increasing AT THE SAME TIME inflation in NATO countries due to THE FALLING VALUE OF THEIR CURRENCIES. NATO has become 100% BAD NEWS FOR EUROPE. It is responsible for its DOWNFALL by SYSTEMICALLY ERODING ITS ECONOMIC POWER + influence in the world. NATO countries are becoming POOR COUNTRIES whose influence in the world doN'T count for much and whose fault is THAT? The USA. And they believe the USA is THEIR FRIEND. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA