262 (Comment was DELETED!) NATO COUNTRIES because of the Ukraine conflict are self-destructing: THE BEST EXAMPLES are France, followed by Britain, followed by Germany including the USA. It has TO BE POINTED OUT that NO NATO COUNTRY has 100% financial Gov't TRANSPARENCY and, therefore, are NOT DEMOCRACIES, but warmongering FASCIST POLICE STATES that put THEIR MILITARY ahead of THE GOOD OF THEIR PEOPLE: NO DEMOCRACY DOES THAT. NOT ONE. Calling themselves democracies is A LIE! They are LIARS and, therefore, CANNOT BE TRUSTED. This makes them DANGEROUS! Democracies are NOT, but FASCIST POLICE STATES of NATO certainly are! THEY'RE THE DRIVING FORCE OF WORLD WAR 3. Kill NATO for the sake of PEACE AND PROSPERITY. Ken, Toronto, CANADA