506------ 2,043 LOWER STANDARD OF LIVING: yes, for sure! LESS MONEY FOR GOV'T TO SPEND. BUSINESS CLOSURES. JOB LOSS. INCREASED TAXES to cover lost tax revenue. To be sure, MORE PUBLIC DISCONTENT. In Britain, King Charles III CORONATION coud get SERIOUSLY WHIPLASHED by THE ILL TEMPER of THE BRITISH PEOPLE who might decide IT'S BEST to be NON-PARTICIPANTS as A PROTEST regarding THE MIShandling of national economical affairs + the British COSTLY PARTICIPATION in THE UNNECESSARY WAR in the Ukraine that makes it difficult for them to feed themselves + small business to survive as there is LESS + LESS DISCRETIONARY INCOME due to THE COST OF INFLATION not abating. Clearly, THINGS ARE NOT GOING TO GET BETTER until that NATO vs Russia war in the Ukraine ends. Ken, Toronto, CANADA