105 ----- 108 Canada has THE SAME STORY (true or false, who knows?). There is NO THREAT of war. Given that, we need to 1. reduce military pesonnel; 2. be able to increase the number should there be a threat on the horizon. Note: China + Russia have made it clear that their military is for "DEFENSIVE PURPOSES" ONLY! However, the USA wants a war with China involving Australia, New Zealand, India, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan ... whose sole purpose is THE MASSIVE KILLING OF ASIANS using limited nuclear warfare IN THE MIDDLE OF CHINA: this has resulted in THE REMILITARIZATION OF JAPAN which the USA has been PUSHING FOR FOR A LONG TIME. Let me give you A LITTLE INSIGHT into "miliary spending", MOST OF IT GOES IN THE POCKET OF CROOKS. As an ex-reservist soldier trained at CFB Petawa, Ontario, + having worked for the National Defence Headquarters, I learned the ALL CANADIAN CFBs are CROOKED EACH IN THEIR OWN WAY. (Ha! Ha!) Israeli General Sharon would customarily rile up the Palestian so he could send a rocket their way and have to buy a replacement: half of that money went into his pocket. THAT'S HOW BECAME RICH with a big ranch. When those who buy arms in India or Pakistan (both with A COSTLY, OVERSIZED MILITARY) are LOW ON MONEY: they rattle "the war cage" so they can SPEND MORE ON ARMAMENT that puts MORE MONEY into their pocket. The situation GOT SO OUT OF HAND, that U.S. Secretary of State, Collen Powel (a former U.S. generak), had to "personally" go down there to warn them of the danger as sociated with this kind of reckless behavior. SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT: THE CROOKS RUN THE MILITARY in the FREE WORLD FOR THEIR BENEFIT of course. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA