20,215 ------------------------------ 20,302 Asian parents are well known for SETTING HIGH EXPECTATIONS for their children: if they're TOO HIGH (NOT REASONABLE), let's face it, IT'S PARENTAL ABUSE. THE OVERALL OUTCOME IS TO BURN THE CHILD OUT seriously hurting his/her "future" academic performance. FOR THE MOST SUCCESS, the parents have to leave the child on his/her own to find his/her way. I had a Chinese friend from Hong Kong who alway got 'C's + perservered: he'd laugh about it. IN THE END, inspite of his accent, he ended up working for THE TOP ACCOUNTING FIRMS IN OTTAWA. What is MOST IMPORTANT is that THE CHILD ENJOYS HIS/HER LEARNING EXPERIENCE so that it's "inherently" rewarding "in + of itself". YOU CANNOT "FORCE" A CHILD TO LEARN: the child must "want" to learn + understand THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING for his/her "future" success. When a child wants to STOP LEARNING (for whatever reason), the parents MUST RESPECT THE CHILD'S CHOICE until s/he decidesto come back to learning WITH "renewed" FERVOUR down the road. A parent needs to be "patient" + understand that their child "intrinsically" knows what is good for himself/herself. AS LONG AS THE PARENTS ARE SUPPORT, everything will turn out SURPISINGLY WELL IN THE END. I promise. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA