3K views ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3K 108 comments ------------------------------------------------------- 150 He sounds "sincere". (Ha! Ha!) WHY did he "run over" to Washington to get his doggie biscuit + a tap on the head? It's MY UNDERSTANDING that Kenya has THE LARGEST NUMBER OF CIA AGENTS (after Nigeria) who are Kenyan (They're NOT even AMERICAN): the job of these African CIA agents is to "reinforce" American influence + hegemony. They are THE ONES "bad-mouthing" China + Russia. :D BY THE WAY, I had diect dealings with SUCH A Kenyan CIA AGENT in 2005 when I worked for GPC Research (a CIA company in Ottawa in the McDonald's building on Rideau Street - downtown) doing public affairs phone surveys in their call centre on behalf of the Privy Council of the Gov't of Canada - THE PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE) and, I've, ALSO, dealt with Nigerian CIA agents here, in Toronto. Ken, Toronto, CANADA