2,223 ------ 2,235 ------ 2,254 ------- 2,311 Japan's sovereignty is in "jeopardy"? Has General Yoshida lost his mind? The Japanese have always "boosted": :WE HAVE NOTHING: we are A RESOURCE POOR NATION". We "bring in" WHAT WE NEED (outside resources) + sell "the transformed resources" AT A PROFIT. HAVING NOTHING TO OFFER, who wants to invade Japan FOR NOTHING? ANSWER: NO ONE! Therefore, NO NEED FOR A MILITARY. WHAT A WASTE OF BADLY NEEDED MONEY for social programs that could improve the lives of Japanese that would act as AN INCENTIVE FOR WOMEN TO HAVE CHILDREN. Japan is A POOR COUNTRY not only because it's RESOURCE POOR, but because it is A LOW INCOME COUNTRY with THE AVERAGE SALARY being US $18,000 when it should be US $30,000 - at least! (In Toronto, the average salary is CAD $34,000.) Their WAGE STRUCTURE MAKES NO SENSE: pay increases with age: HOW SILLY IS THAT? THE OVERALL PROBLEM IS JAPAN IS A MILITARISTIC STATE RUN BY THE USA with a Gov't that has (like the USA) ZERO TRANSPARENCY (aka AN ELITIST FASCIST POLICE STATE run for the Rich by the CROOKED BUREAUCRATS + CROOKED POLITICIANS). Consequently, THE JAPANESE PEOPLE "loathe" their Gov't; as a result, they're NOT PARTICULARLY FOND of the Emperor knowing that THE STATUS QUO "screws" them - royally! EITHER THE EMPEROR (with his band of Samrais) TURN THINGS AROUND or Japan will become A FULLY FINANCIALLY TRANSPARENT REPULIC - in no time - after the implosion of the USA in 2024. THE FUTURE OF JAPAN IS IN THE HANDS OF THE EMPEROR. Maybe, he'll abdicate and "run" to the USA to be with his daugher. (Ha! Ha!) I feel sorry for THE ONCE POWERFUL JAPAN + THE JAPANESE PEOPLE who are fed up with their Gov't. By the way, the future of Japan is with China, NOT the USA that "still" hates the Japanese. AS A FRIEND OF CHINA + NORTH KOREA with NO MILITARY, Japan will enjoy PEACE + PROSPERITY. GANBATE. 頑張って :D Interestingly, South Korea is in THE VERY SAME, SHAMEFUL SITUATION AS JAPAN with their political leaders often having to do JAIL TIME. (Ha! Ha!) The difference between the two is Japanese workers are HAPPY WORKERS + Korean workers are ABUSED WORKERS who have to get drunk after work. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA