2.1M views 8,363 comments ----------------------------------------------- 8,358 I find this particularly touching as my mother was homeless in Winnipeg and I became homeless when I was evicted from my apartment in Ottawa ecause I created a political party. (Ha! Ha!) Japan is acting like the parents who reject their own children: THAT'S NOT RIGHT. This girl has been told that she is "mentally weak" when clearly, that is NOT the case. These "abused" and "abandoned" children require attention and affection as well as support from the Gov't so they have adequate food to eat and a decent place to stay: IT'S A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. I know the Japanese Gov't takes into account (is sensitive to) what is said about Japan online: Nobita you're being heard by the Gov't. CONGRATS! NOW, it's time for the Gov't of Japan to STEP UP TO THE PLATE - so to speak. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA