2,102 ----- 2,127 ------- 2,318 ---------- 2,529 ----- 2,581 ANOTHER Monica Lewinsky, eh? THE PROBLEM I have with her story is ... FIRSTLY, she HAD A BOOK TO SELL in order to MAKE OODLES OF MONEY. SECONDLY, THE PUBLISHER KNOWS WHAT HAS TO BE PUT IN THE BOOK for it to sell SO BOTH HER + THE PUBLISHER can make OODLES OF MONEY. AMERICANS ARE KNOWN TO BE "INVETERATE" LIARS: their Presidents LEAD THE WAY in that regard. (Ha! Ha!) THEREFORE, you have to ask yourself to what extent is she telling THE TRUTH. "The chink in the metal" in all this is that she reportedly said "other interns" were there at the pool + at the White House before she was given her personalized tour. :D She does NOT say anything more about them: had she said MORE, then, her story could be MORE CREDIBLE. Ken, Toronto, CANADA