===============================>THIS COMMENT WAS DELETED! 18K views 491 comments ARTICLE 19! IF ... - JAPAN respects ARTICLE 19 - gets rid if ITS MILITARY (run by CROOKS like in all the countries of the so-called FREE WORLD) - become A NEUTRAL COUNTRY JAPAN will SURVIVE + PROSPER OR ELSE ... it will be THE END OF JAPAN. Clearly, THE JAPANESE GOV'T WANTS WAR: THE JAPANESE PEOPLE DO NOT! Will THE JAPANESE GOV'T listen to - THE JAPANESE PEOPLE? OR - the USA? (By the way, the USA wants A MEGA WAR IN ASIA that has been in the planning stage since the 1960s whose sole purpose is THE KILLING OF AS MANY ASIANS AS POSSIBLE using LIMITED NUCLEAR WARFARE IN THE MIDDLE OF CHINA.) JAPAN + SOUTH KOREA are BOTH LINCHPINS that can "set off" THIS MEGA WAR. LET'S HOPE common sense prevails. I WANT JAPAN TO SURVIVE: I doN'T want JAPAN to commit HARA-KIRI 腹切り. ARTICLE 19! I SAY TO JAPAN: "STAND BY IT!" Please. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA