324,384 views 619 comments As a trained University of Ottawa (kindergarten to Grade 6) teacher, this completely revises how I see children whose understanding of things + "learning ability" are HIGHLY UNDERRATED - in my view. This AMAZING orchestral performance confirms that. :D Children "naturally" want to LEARN A LOT. AND they enjoy learning - as it increases their sense of competency. THEIR LIMITATION is their teachers + an educational system that does NOT respect THEIR GREAT ABILITY TO LEARN. TEACH THEM WELL AND THEY WILL EXCEL. :D These Japanese children are in KINDERGARTEN and LOOK WHAT THEY CAN DO! AMAZING!!! THEIR PARTICIPATION AS MEMBERS OF THIS ORCHESTRA gives "each one" A GREAT SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT that will be AN IMPETUS TO DO WELL IN WHATEVER THE DO in the future. すごい, 凄い Ken, Toronto, CANADA