1,900 ----- 2,000 2028 or sooner Israel will be renamed Palestine: TRUE? NOT TRUE? Like the USA, Israel has to RETIRE ITS MILITARY + retreat to within its original borders. THE MOMENT OF TRUTH IS COMING. It can't keep threatening Iran forever. SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE. SAVE ISRAEL: PLAY SAFE. This way, there can be the State of Israel alongside the State of Palestine. Otherwise, THERE WILL BE ONLY Palestne which THE MUSLIM WORLD is hoping for given HOW MUCH THE ISRAELIS HAVE BRUTALIZED THE PALESTINIANS + Israel's policy of ETHNIC CLEANSING that tore down Palestinian settlements forcibly sending Palestinians to Gaza. TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE, ISRAEL IS A BLATANTLY, RACIST STATE which is UNACCEPTABLE in the eyes of the world. With Israel gone, THE JEWS will be THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WORLD. :D For the sake of Israel, THE ISRAELIS must take THE WORD "shalom" SERIOUSLY for THE LOVE OF JERUSALEM which means THE POSSISSOR OF PEACE. Shalom. :D Ken (YES in Hebrew), Toronto, CANADA