158 ---- 196 ------ 271 The Israeli treatment of the Palestinians is THE SAME as in the past: this is STIMULATING THE EXODUS OF ISRAELIS who are being replaced by foreigners further DIMINISHING THE JEWISH CHARACTER of Israel. This is NOT a WINNING STRATEGY FOR ISRAEL, but for the Palestinians. WHAT HAS CHANGED, however, IS THIS: THE CONTEXT. We now have A "UNITED" MUSLIM WORLD with Saudi Arabia and Iran working together and with THE IRANIAN PROMISE that within 5 years, there will be NO Israel. In other words, ALL THIS VIOLENCE AGAINST THE PALESTINIANS is nearing an end, and Israel does NOT SEEM to know HOW TO RESPOND. ITS DEVASTATING RESPONSE IN JENIN is simply one of IMPOTENT FRUSTRATION with THE AMERICANS LAUGHING ON THE SIDELINES as they did - especially - with the Saudis by having the Saudis wreak havoc on Yemen which THEY, THE AMERICANS, PAID THE SAUDIS TO DO. Whenever I ran into Saudis in Toronto, I expressed MY DISPLEASURE only to be met with a smile. NOW, WITH UNITY IN THE MUSLIM WORLD, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED as we're SEEING THE SAUDIS COMING OUT OF THEIR SHELL: nice to see. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA