97 ---------- 268 BECAUSE "THE STATUS QUO" NO LONGER WORKS + BECAUSE THEY'RE DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT, BOTH, the USA + India, are faced with ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: the USA for multiple reasons + India due to significant JOB LOSS whose NOUVEAU (new) POOR will PROTEST - BY THE MILLIONS! WHAT India is going to experience is WHAT China has "intentionally been avoiding" by DELIVERING GOOD GOV'T THAT EARNS THE CONFIDENCE OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE - by developing A SOLID, RESILIANT ECONOMY + - by turning China into a 1st class, effective WORLD DEVELOPMENT BANK. If a country is NOT going to be a FRIEND of China, it's going to be POOR! BOTH, the USA + India, are NOT a FRIEND of China. Ken, Toronto, CANADA