3K views --------------------------------------- 27K ----------------------------------------- 54K 48 comments -------------------------------- 198 ----------------------------------------- 409 BRICS will probably "allow" ITALIA and NO OTHER EU nation to join. SHOULD ITALIA NOT JOIN, it will just become ANOTHER ECONOMIC BASKET CASE along with the other EU countries. GEORGIA MELONI will economically "save" ITALIA by joinging BRICS and become "the" DE FACTO "uncontested" leader of the EU. ITALIA will have ITS DAY IN THE SUN BY JOINING BRICS. OTHERWISE, you can expect THE GARBAGE TO PILE UP IN ROME + THE STENCH TO GROW. WHAT WILL GEORGIA MELONI do? HOPEFULLY, THE SMART THING: JOIN BRICS. QUESTO È LA VOLONTÀ DE DIO. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA