=================>THIS COMMENT was DELETED. =================>So much for FREE SPEECH in Great Britain, eh? (Ha! Ha!) 854 BRILLIANT DOCUMENTARY highlighting how Clement Attlee set the course of the Labour Party for decades to come. I could NEVER COULD FIGURE OUT the success of the Labour Party. Apparently, it was ALL ATTRIBUTED TO THE COURSE set by Clement Attlee: A GREAT MAN + A VERY, SHREWD POLITICAL LEADER. I'm afraid the "current" Labour Party leader is A GOV'T PLANT whose mission is to distroy the Labour Party after "intently" listened to his "recent" speech delivered at the Labour Party Convention in Liverpool. Had he NOT WORKED FOR THE GOV'T, I could NOT possibly believe that. In Canada, we NOW have our intelligence apparatus involved in political parties: I would suggest the Québec solidaire provincial party, currently, in power is A PERFECT EXAMPLE. NOTE I was "forced" to take out this part below between the 2 row of crosses in order to be able to post this comment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Having created the Égalite Party of Canada [the É(eh)PC] ( on August 5th 2001, I've been approached many a time by intelligence people + undercover cops offering to help me promote my political party. Just in the part few months, I've had several "persistent" offers which is A RECORD NUMBER IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. This goes hand in hand with the Gov't denying me my Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) which I'm entitled to as I'm 70 years old + have NO EARNED NOR INVESTMENT INCOME: this is clearly FASCIST POLICE STATE Gov't harassment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THANKS for this splendidly informative documentary. Ken, Toronto, CANADA