================================> THIS COMMENT WAS DELETED! ================================> SHAME ON INDIA. 274K views 4,738 comments @aravindbalan6047 @kenselin Like ur hallelujah group does X'tian propaganda INDIA is A BASKET CASE given its ever-falling rupee + its BLOATED, SO VERY BLOATED (especially its use- less Military) ELITEST, 100% (ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY) FASCIST POLICE STATE GOV'T with Modi talking like Obama. Modi promised to get rid of CORRUPTION in the Gov't. (Ha! Ha!) And what progress has THIS CLOWN made? :D The Indain Gov't is A 3-RING CIRCUS. I understand it wants to put an elephant on the moon: IS THAT TRUE? The ONLY COUNTRY that can save India is China: both India + China are part of BRICS: so, there is "SOME" HOPE FOR INDIA whose GDP is just 1/7th that of China's as THE JOB OUTLOOK in India is DIRE - indeed! SOON, ALL THE RICH INDIANS WITH U.S. DOLLARS are soon to be POOR, POOR once the U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSES by the end of THIS year. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA