==========================>THIS COMMENT WAS DELETED. 183K views 931 comments LET'S START with THE BASICS. The number of foreign students in Canada has been around 700,000. Now it surpasses ONE MILLION AND THEY'RE COMING FROM THE ELITE OF INDIA + NEPAL. They pay outrageous tuition fees with minimally qualified professors because CANADA'S colleges + universities are RUN BY AMERICANS (CIA + AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS) FOR PROFIT. In fact, THE METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO is totally owned + operated by the CIA. It has A VERY LARGE CONTINGENT OF ARABE-SPEAKING MUSLIM YOUNG CIA STUDENTS IN TRAINING THERE. Each student there comes under the "intense" scrutiny of THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE APPARATUS. Toronto is home to THE LAGEST CIA COMMUNITY. In fact, everyone at City Hall are CIA AGENTS including THE MAYOR + they're skimming funds from THE RICHEST CITY saying because of ONGOING BUDGET DIFICITS property tax has to go UP from 5.5% LAST YEAR to 16.5% THIS YEAR. The TORONTO STAR newspaper along with TV CP24 are rum by the CIA. Interestingly, India now is dramatically increasing its number of intelligence agents in Toronto. (They all come from New Delhi. Ha! Ha!) IN all fairness, India has in recent years a quiet, low keyed presence in Canada. So does Pakistan. The CHIEF DIFFERENCE between the two is that Pakistan's is "heavily" involved in TORONTO'S POLICE MULTIBILLION $ DRUG TRAFFICKING RUN BY THE AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS under the watchful eye of the CIA. (Ha! Ha) IF THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS from India + Nepal were NOT MONUMENTAL, the CIA would not notice. The CIA now realizes THE STRENGTH OF THEIR GROWING NUMBERS is set TO FLIP THE CIA BOAT in Canada. AND THAT'S the reason for CAPPING THEIR NUMBERS: NOT FINDING AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING which has everything to with NO PUBLIC HOUSING BEING BUILT since the early 1980s and those that were built were built for the CIA. Consequently, Toronto owns beautiful appartment buildings housing CIA agents who only pay $400 rent a month. IN SHORT, this CAPPING OF THE NUMBER OF FOREIGN STUDENTS is purely A RACIST, ANTI-INDIAN MOVE by our CROOKED FASCIST POLICE STATE GOV'T RUN BY THE CIA. I should point out ALL GOV'T CONTRACTS GO TO AMERICANS + our prisons are RUN by AMERICANS for profit. I had THE PLEASURE of wishing THE INDIANS I met yesterday in TORONTO A HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY. NOW, you why. :D GOD BLESS THE FATHER OF MODERN DAY INDIA, Mahatma GHANDI. GOD BLESS INDIA, now, the most populous nation where students begin their schooling LEARNING THREE (3) LANGUAGES making them THE SMARTEST IN THE WORLD. LOVE + RESPECT. Ken, Toronto, CANADA