310 -------- 546 -------- 617 -----------2,199 AS LONG AS the USA can run Germany into the ground using NATO, Germany will SUFFER MORE + MORE, LOOK RIDICULOUS MORE + MORE: the USA is A FRIEND OF NO ONE. DoN'T tell Angele Merkel that. (Ha! Ha!) THE AMERICANS "played her" to the tee by telling her that President Putin was a leader of a country with A LOW GDP while the USA had THE BIGGEST GDP: consequently she "should" look up to UNCLE SAM which she did. This resulted in her treating President Putin VERY BADLY even though he gave her bouquets of flowers in a friendly way WITH A WARM SMILE. DEALING WITH THE EAST GERMAN SPIES DURING THE COLD WAR in Ottawa was "a dreamy experience" because they were SO, SO SMART. (There are a good many, today, living in Ottawa.) THESE GERMANS, today, are SO STUPID: they let THE AMERICANS HAVE THEIR WAY so the can RUIN EUROPE + German AT THE SAME TIME as Europe is seen as a competitor that "needs" to be taken down JUST LIKE Russia + China: NO DIFFERENT. TO TURN GERMANY AROUND, it "needs" to GET OUT of NATO. If there was NO NATO, there would be NO WAR with the Ukraine. It "needs" to get rid of its military as IT'S NO LONGER NEEDED as there is NO FUTURE THREAT OF WAR as China + Russia has "repeatedly" said their military is for DEFENSIVE PURPOSES - ONLY! THE GERMANS "must" understand THE SHORT-TERM FUTURE belongs to China; THE LONG-TERM FUTURE belongs to Russia. Father Stoick, PhD (Philosophy), Oblate Catholic priest who lived in Germany during World War 2 + was my philosophy teacher in 1975 at the Univerisity of Ottawa: he believed "strongly" THE FUTURE WAS ALL ABOUT RUSSIA. When I visited him at his residence, he gave me A GERMAN BIBLE. :D IN GERMANY'S FAVOUR, when Russia BADLY NEEDED MONEY, GERMANY STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE. (The Russians were "promised" LOTS A MONEY from THE AMERICANS + got NOTHING! That U.S. MONEY went to Poland based on an agreement with the Polish Pope.) HAD GERMANY NOT TURN ITS BACK TO RUSSIA because of Angela Merkel - in particular - it would be THE POWER- HOUSE OF EUROPE: one of the reasons for that is it does run France - to some extent - through THE BACKDOOR. :D NOW, italy is POISED to become THE POWERHOUSE of Europe because it has A SRONG ECONOMY that is due to its Gov't involment in the private sector + BECAUSE Italians today are SOCIALISTS as are THE REST OF EUROPEANS who care about THE COMMON GOOD. DANK SEI GOTT! :D Ken, Toronto, KANADA