1,788 ------ 2,212 Just HILARIOUS! What happened to THE MAY OFFENSIVE? We're into THE MONTH OF JUNE - already! (Ha! Ha!) THE RUSSIAN STRATEGY HAS BEEN TO CHIP AWAY + keeping moving things steadily forward. Given that THE RUSSIANS ARE REBUILDING THE UKRAINIAN TERRITORY they now occupy, it's obviously, THE ECONOMIC FUTURE OF THE UKRAINE - AS WELL AS THAT OF EUROPE - IS WITH RUSSIA. GERMANY is GOING DOWN HILL thanks to the USA all because Merkel thought the USA were GOOD GUYS: they're NOT! THE LONGER THIS WAR progresses the more THE GERMANS + rest of European NATO countries will suffer. No NATO, no war. It's that simple. THE SOLUTION IS CLEAR: GET RID OF NATO + avoid WORLD WAR III. THE GERMANS SHOULD BE MAKING THIS CLEAR for love of their country + that of Europe that trusted THE GERMANS TO LOOK AFTER THEM: that was THE UNDERLYING PROMISE OF THE EU that THE GERMANS WERE SELLING. Was Europe MISTAKEN in putting its trust IN THE HANDS OF THE GERMANS? THAT'S AN EASY, FORTHRIGHT ANSWER. Yes, if THE GERMANS let emperialist USA continue to have its way with NATO. MAYBE NOT, if THE GERMANS encourge all European NATO countries to withdraw their NATO membership for the sake of A FREE, STRONG European Community NOT having to answer to Washington. LET'S NOT FORGET the USA is BANKRUPTED DUE TO TOO MANY UNPROVOKED WARS: it's a country WITHOUT A FUTURE. GERMAN'S FUTURE, though, HANGS IN THE BALANCE. Support NATO or NOT? GERMANY'S DECISION will have ECONOMIC RAMIFICATIONS on THE FUTURE STANDARD OF LIVING OF ALL EUROPEANS. THE EAST GERMANS, I met them in Ottawa, ran the Cold War BECAUSE they were smart. TODAY'S GERMANS, maybe ... NOT SO SMART. (Ha! Ha!) We'll see, nicht wahr? Ken, Cold War veteran, Toronto, CANADA