600K views -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 768K 6,367 comments ----------------------------- 6,998 --------------------------- 7,959 @Numenorean921 why would I want to go to london when they're arent even any english there and all the signs are in arabic? Might as well vacation in baghdad ​@Numenorean921 SO VERY FUNNY: I'm laughing my head off! (Ha! Ha!) BAGHDAD just has to be CHEAPER! It just has to be. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @blokiencasa822 caps on rent has the opposite effect: it results on less offer therefore higher demand, so higher prices for the few who are searching @blokiencasa822 CAPS ON RENT has NOTHING TO DO with "less offer". EXTREMELY LOW (unhealthy) VACANCY RATES has everything to do THE HIGHER DEMAND. Those EXTREMELY LOW VACANCY RATES has everything to do with the Gov't NOT BUILDING PUBLIC HOUSING. There, THE BLAME LIES AT THE FEET OF THE GOV'T with NO SOCIAL CONSCIENCE explained by the fact the British Gov't (like all other British Commonwealth nations) is run by "law + order" Freemasons WITH ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY, A FASCIST POLICE STATE GOV'T run BY CROOKS FOR CROOKS + THE ELITE "righteously" claiming to be a democracy. (Ha! Ha!) In short, THE CROWN run by (in the words of Lady Dianna) THE GREY MEN is responsible for THIS MESS. The British People will be demanding for A 100% REPUBLIC THAT LOOKS AFTER "THEIR" INTEREST. THE ECONOMIC TAILSPIN that the USA + BRITAIN are in will result in THE FALL OF U.S. DOLLAR IN 2024 FOLLOWED BY THAT OF THE POUND. Ken, Toronto, CANADA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @blokiencasa822 Putting caps on rent is not going to fix the issue. It’s lowering some of the taxes such as property taxes and making sure more apartments are build and immigration is limited so it will reduce demand for housing @kenselin CAPS ON RENT has NOTHING TO DO with "less offer". EXTREMELY LOW (unhealthy) VACANCY RATES has everything to do THE HIGHER DEMAND. Those EXTREMELY LOW VACANCY RATES has everything to do with the Gov't NOT BUILDING PUBLIC HOUSING. There, THE BLAME LIES AT THE FEET OF THE GOV'T with NO SOCIAL CONSCIENCE explained by the fact the British Gov't (like all other British Commonwealth nations) is run by "law + order"Freemasons WITH ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY, A FASCIST POLICE STATE GOV'T run BY CROOKS FOR CROOKS + THE ELITE "righteously" claiming to be a democracy. (Ha! Ha!) In short, THE CROWN run by (in the words of Lady Dianna) THE GREY MEN is responsible for THIS MESS. The British People will be demanding for A 100% REPUBLIC THAT LOOKS AFTER "THEIR" INTEREST. THE ECONOMIC TAILSPIN that the USA + BRITAIN are in will result in THE FALL OF U.S. DOLLAR IN 2024 FOLLOWED BY THAT OF THE POUND. Ken, Toronto, CANADA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @anheru4531 Guys have you thought why people come to the UK in the first place? Do you really think that somebody who got good life in his own country will move to UK because it's such a nice place? ... @kenselin WHY did tourists come to visit London? To see THE ROYAL CIRCUS, of course. (Ha! Ha) WHAT A SHOW that is! AND IT'S ONGOING! ::D BLOODY CRAZY, I'd say. BUT IF IT BRINGS IN TOURISTS - by the busload, I say: CARRY ON! :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ @shelaco1321 Strange that London is the most visited city in Europe then. The government obviously isn't doing a very good job at scaring tourists away ... @kenselin You're acting like AN AMERICAN who "chooses" to LIVE IN THE PAST because THE PRESENT IS TOO PAINFUL. :D THE POUND IS FALLING "provoking" A SERIOUS FLIGHT OF FOREIGN CAPITAL. THE UGLY REALITY is LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING + THE SHIP BRITANNICA IS SINKING. MEANWHILE. THE MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT ARE CHUCKLING AWAY WHILE THE KING IS COUNTING HIS COINS IN THE LONDON TOWER MUMBLING TO HIMSELF. (ha! Ha!) ADD TO THAT THE SCOTTISH CRY FOR I DEPENDENCE WITH NORTHERN IRELAND SAYING IT CAN GET A BETTER DEAL BY JOINING THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND + COME BACK INTO THE EU FOLD for the sake of GREATER ECONOMIC SAFETY + you have there A GREAT BRITAIN that IS FALLING TO PIECES both economically + politically. There is ONE .MAN responsible for all this: A CIRCUS CLOWN, himself, who "enjoyed" making his fellow Brits laugh, BRITAIN'S GREATEST POLITICIAN, THE GREAT BORIS JOHNSON. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA