COMMENT "automatically" DELETED! U.S. INSANE POLICY OF SOWING CHAOS+DESTABILIZING ALL COUNTRIES - especially those it wants to take down: China+Russia. In it's U.S. Gov't policy to SOW CHAOS among AMERICANS having them believe in FICTITIOUS ALIENS. In fact, the Gov't has went out of its way to spend HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS over the years in its VAIN SEARCH for "non-existant" lien through its NASA SETI (search for extraterrestial beings) program until President Bush put a stop to that - FINALLY! As a result, THE AMERICANS have A VERY BIG PROBLEM in knowing WHAT IS TRUE + WHAT IS NOT! THE CHINESE DON'T! The Chinese are grounded in reality unlike THE AMERICANS who are LOST in outer space. (Ha! Ha!) In short, U.S. Gov't STUPIDITY will ensure that China prevails. THE FUTURE IS ON CHINA'S SIDE which we can now clearly see given ITS ECONOMIC MIGHT. :D I congratulate Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng for his "impeccable" assessment of U.S. Gov't policy of confrontation+aggression that paints the U.S. Gov't IN A VERY NEGATIVE, HOSTILE LIGHT. Harmony + THE COMMON GOOD will prevail. Ken, Toronto, CANADA