2.3K views ------------------------------------2.9K 24 comments --------------------------------- 29 You are SO MATURE: I thought you were 24 - at least. (Ha! Ha!) WHY? BECAUSE YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED SO VERY MUCH TO DATE: your 1st-class singing career + your University business studies in THE BEST U.S. UNIVERISTY. SO CONCRATS all round + of course, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY. PLUS, I just have to complement you on being THE WORLD'S GREATEST AUTHORITY ON MAKEUP: you know how to use it to my yourself LOOK SO AMAZINGLY FRESH! YOUR SENSE OF FASHION is mind-boggling AMAZING! About NOT TELLING ANYONE YOUR PLANS so they (family members, relatives ... ) don't ruin them is A GOOD IDEA: however, telling them makes them MORE REAL. There are people who enjoy "underming" others in a sneaky way: THESE ARE TO BE AVOIDED + KEPT AT BAY. OVERALL, trying to do good + being good ensure (keeping the 10 commandments) will ensure THE BLESSING OF THE ALMIGHTY + A HAPPY LIFE. We have A FUNDAMENTAL DUTY TO ENJOY LIFE + TO BE GOOD TO OURSELVES: self-respect is EVERYTHING. ATTITUDE, too, is everything: it "trumps" product knowledge in sales + is key to winning that job interview. SMILING REFLECTS A GOOD ATTITUDE. :D LAUGHING is so important and you do a lot of that: life is a mystery to be enjoyed because is is NOT BORING. There is SO MUCH TO SEE + DO + THINGS KEEP CHANGING. No time to get bored. (Ha! Ha!) RE: THIS VIDEO (and that goes for all your videos) is CAPTIVATINGLY REFRESHING, PERSONABLE, ENJOYABLE. You wanting to go to New York for your 20th birthday speaks a lot about HOW INTELLIGENT YOU ARE: New York has "always" been THE EMBLEM OF THE AMERICAN DREAM. "If I can make it there, I'm gonna make it anywhere.",_New_York CONGRATS, AGAIN, on all of your "many" successes. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY! Ken, Toronto, CANADA