Will We Get A Consensus In The Upcoming Biden-Xi Meeting? 7K votes --------------- 7.4K ----------------- 9K --------- 9.4K 268 comments ------ 286 ------------------ 326 ------ 333 -------------------- 331 It will on DEPEND on how Chairman Xi Jinping "perceives" THE U.S. VIBE, won't it? BUT THE CHANCES ARE there will be NO DEFINITIVE CHANGE in U.S.-China relations. WHY should China help the USA when the USA is out to TAKE DOWN CHINA anyway, eh? The U.S. Gov't WANTING TO TAKE DOWN China + Russia HAS LEAD to the creation of BRICS (a world "without" U.S. pariticipation + those of its allies) + to the "imminent" collapse of the U.S. dollar ALL BECAUSE THE USA wanted to HAVE ITS WAY IN ALL THINGS - just like A SPOILT BRAT - which it is! Had the U.S. Gov't worked "with" the United Nations + with China + with Russia, it would STILL BE STRONG + NOT BURDENED with a "growing", unsettling $33 TRILLION DEBT. Everybody "wants" to get along with everybody else, BUT THE U.S. Gov't. Incidentally, President Putin has "repeatedly" said over the years he wants to be FREINDS with the USA. Clearly, the U.S. Gov't is NOT LISTENING: it only hears want it wants to hear. I've learned THE AMERICANS will only listen to you "IF" YOU BUTTER THEM UP FIRST. (Ha! Ha!) i.e. TELL US HOW GREAT WE ARE, "then and only then" we'll listen to you. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA