51 ----- 182 This is A BIG WIN for China. It contributes to "consolidating" China's POPULARITY in South East Asia. South Asian PROSPERITY has been - for QUITE SOME TIME - largely thanks to China. Just NEXT DOOR is Singapore through which China has done a lot of its financial transactions initially along with Hong Kong. It's GOOD TO SEE China gets THE RECOGNITION as "a motor of economic prosperity" in the region that it SO RICHLY DESERVES. FRIENDSHIP WITH CHINA IS A GUARANTEE OF PROSPERITY: it's THE ONLY COUNTRY that has THE MONEY to invest abroad. Foreign investment is A KEY INDICATOR of A NATION'S FINANCIAL HEALTH: strong versus weak. It "really" pays TO PLAY NICE with China. There's "ONLY ONE" FORCE behind THE NEW ECONOMIC WORLD ORDER: China! BECAUSE .... it has THE MONEY! :D China has transformed itself from being A VERY POOR COUNTRY to being THE RICHEST, MOST SUCCESSFUL NATION thanks to the STRONG, SMART LEADERSHIP of the Chinese Communist Party, 中国共产党。Zhōngguó gòngchǎndǎng. ONE OF THE JOYS OF MY LIFE is to have witnessed THIS GREAT ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION of China that found its FULL EXPRESSION in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA